Local Contacts
Washington State Emergency Management Division defines 9 Regions within the state. These correspond directly to the 9 ARES Districts. District M is the Medical Services Team (MST), District G is the Washington State Guard and both operate statewide.
Region 1
DEC Jim McCabe, AE7UQ, jrminwa at gmail.com
ADEC: Scott Honaker, N7SS, n7ss at arrl.net
Blaine ACS:
EC: Ryan King, K7RGK, rking807 at gmail.com
Island County:
EC: Bob Keeton, K7MHJ, rkeeton at blarg.net
EC: Bryan Hoyer, K7UDR, bhhoyer at gmail.com
EC: Vacant
EC: John Sullivan, KG7WFQ, JohnDSullivan at comcast.net
RO: Scott Honaker, N7SS, n7ss at arrl.net
Stanwood/Camano Island:
EC: Don Thompson, KG7UAE, kg7uae at outlook.com
EC/RO: Jim McCabe, AE7UQ, mccabejr at earthlink.net
Region 2
DEC Mike Montfort, KB0SVF, safetymm at aol.com
Bainbridge Island:
EC: Tyler Heinemann, AF7BO, af7bo at arrl.net
Lionel C. Halvorsen, K7BIX, lionelhlvrsn at gmail.com
EC: Glenn E. Beach, KI7FXE, Monkeygr3 at yahoo.com
EC: Dick Illman AH6EZ, ah6ez01 at gmail.com
RO: Doug Blangsted, K7CDR, cdfdoug at yahoo.com
DEC Steve Tomlin, W7SLT, stomlin2 at comcast.net
Thurston County:
EC: Steve Tomlin, W7SLT, stomlin2 at comcast.net
Pacific County:
EC: Robert H Cline, N7CVW, rcline496 at gmail.com
Grays Harbor County:
EC: Doyle H Wenzel, N7UJK, N7UJK at Comcast.net
Lewis County:
EC: William Harwell, AC7SR, ac7sr at arrl.net
City of Centralia:
EC: Bob Wiley, KD7OWN, kd7own at comcast.net
Mason County:
EC: John Dennis, KA4VVA, KA4VVA at gmail.com
EC: Gary R. Hurnblad, WA7SH, WA7SH at arrl.net
DEC Michael W. Barnhart, AE7GQ, ae7gq at comcast.net
EC: Michael W. Barnhart, AE7GQ, ae7gq at comcast.net
EC: Duaine "Butch" E. Lytle, Jr, AE7KJ, delytle at comcast.net
EC: Kevin Widener, KE7IN, kevin.widener at gmail.com
Wahkiakum County:
EC: Gordon Spalding, WA6TTR, gspald1383 at aol.com
DEC Erle "Stan" Nelson, K7DKK, k7dkk1 at gmail.com
EC Peninsula: Brady J. Friedrich, W7EC, ae7gg at arrl.net
EC Central: Garrett Pessemier, KB7IOG, kb7iog at gmail.com
EC East: Franklin N. Sebastian, K7FNS, fsebastian at emgwa.org
EC South: Lorraine Nelson, K7LJN, sp_ares at rainierconnect.com
EC Roy: Richard Watson, KD4VOM, kd4vom at arrl.net
District A (DART/EVAC)
DART DEC, Dee Williamson KE7CF, dee.williamson at pse.com
Northwest Region:
EC: Chris Huchel, KI7JOM, chris at huchel.org
AEC: Jim Blattner, KC7JB, jim_blattner at yahoo.com
AEC: Ozwald Kienapfel, VE7OK, okienapfel at gmail.com
Southwest Region:
EC: Rick Monteith, KG7TUK, rrmonteith at gmail.com
AEC: Frank Walkowski, KJ7CDD, thor13@me.com
Southeast Region:
EC: Brian Treadway, K7BDT, briantreadway@gmail.com
District E (Emergency Management Group WA)
EC: Franklin N. Sebastian, K7FNS, fsebastian at emgwa.org
District G (Washington State Guard)
CSM Richard Stickney, K7RDY, rstickney63 at gmail.com
WO1 Jared Morrison, K7BOA, jaredinsurance at gmail.com
Email errors or omissions to N7SS at arrl.net with corrected information
DEC Kirk Bellar, N7UK, n7uk at arrl.net
American Red Cross: Vacant
Auburn: Diane Costenbader, K7DLC, thekeeper at msn.com
Bellevue: John Fuller, WA7BCC, jfuller at nwlink.com
Eastside Fire and Rescue (Carnation, Issaquah, May Valley, North Bend, Preston, Tiger Mt., Sammamish, and Wilderness Rim): Jon Bromberg, W1JDB, jonbro at msn.com
Federal Way: Tony Robinson-KJ7LSA and Mike McCoy-N7VWD, ecrt at fwarc.org
Issaquah: Mike Crossley, KF7BIG, macrossley at gmail.com
Kent: Austin Hause, KF7CTM, austinhause at gmail.com
King County ECC Support: Jason Shirron, KE7EEL, jason.shirron at kingcounty.gov
Kirkland: Heather Kelly, KirklandEM at kirklandwa.gov
Maple Valley: Vacant
Medina: Cy Humphreys, N7PV, cyh3 at comcast.net
Mercer Island: Elwood D. Howse, Jr, K7EWDH, whowse at me.com
North Bend ARES: Dee Wayne Williamson, KE7CFM, dee.williamson at pse.com
North Shore: Jonathan A Rumsey, K7RMZ, jon.rumsey at gmail.com
Port of Seattle: Russ Read, N7HOV, russ_read at hotmail.com
Public Health Amateur Radio: Allan Persyn, K7NWR
Puget Sound Energy ARES: Dee Wayne Williamson, KE7CFM, dee.williamson at pse.com
Redmond: Matthew Harris, KI7APY, ki7apy at Redmond-ARES.org
Renton: Brian A. Birmingham, KF7ZDL, bbirming at msn.com
Sammamish: Gene McConaughey, K7GLM, k7glm at arrl.net
Sea-Tac: Kenneth W. Higgins, KE7GOW, ke7gow at yahoo.com
Director/RO: Timothy C. Helming, WT1IM, Tim.Helming at seattle.gov
Deputy Director: Catherine A. Middleton-Hardie, KJ7DYG, Catherine.middleton-hardie at seattle.gov
Shoreline: John B. Slomnicki, N7TPM, shorelineacs at gmail.com
Snoqulamie Valley: Rowland Brasch, K7RWB, rowland.brasch at gmail.com
Tukwila: Mark Lium, N7WSU, mlium at comcast.net
Vashon Island: Mark Ellison-Taylor, W7OZT, markellisontaylor at gmail.com
Woodinville: Paul R. Nicholson, KI7E, Paul.KI7E at gmail.com
Region 7
DEC Vacant
Chelan County:
EC/RO: Laura Kozma, W7LMK, Laura.Kozma at CO.CHELAN.WA.US
Douglas County:
EC/RO: Laura Kozma, W7LMK, Laura.Kozma at CO.CHELAN.WA.US
Okanogan County:
EC/RO: David C. Bittenbender, KI7IAM, dcbitt at msn.com
Grant County:
EC/RO: Edward A. Spalding, KG7NCS, easpalding at grantcountywa.gov
Kittitas County:
EC/RO: Robert A. Smith, AI7CS, ai7cs at arrl.net
Region 8
DEC Randolph C. Koehler, KI4EZU, ki4ezu at yahoo.com
Yakima County:
EC: C Jo Whitney, KA7LJQ, cjo at televar.net
EC: Mikel D. Potts, KB7POT, kb7pot at arrl.net
Klickitat County:
EC: Bud Nolen, W7DNE, cmh at gorge.net
Benton County (Three Rivers AUXCOMM):
Lead: Mark G. Hunn, KI7SI, ki7si at arrl.net
Franklin County (Three Rivers AUXCOMM):
Lead: Mark G. Hunn, KI7SI, ki7si at arrl.net
Region 9
DEC C.M. Sam Jenkins, WA7EC, CMSamJ at gmail.com
Spokane County:
EC: Asa Laughton, W7TSC, w7tsc at arrl.net
Ferry County:
EC: C.M. Sam Jenkins, WA7EC, CMSamJ at gmail.com
Stevens County:
EC: Baron T. Lundberg, KI7FDU, baronofcolville at peoplepc.com
Pend Oreille County:
EC/RO: Patrick Molvik, KK7KPB, pat at molvikengineering.com
Lincoln County:
EC: Gary Bytnar, AD7XG, ad7xgradio at gmail.com
Asotin County:
EC: Vacant
Adams County:
EC: Vacant
Whitman County:
EC: Thomas Storer, KI6DER, KI6DER at Prodigy.net
Garfield County:
EC: Vacant
Columbia County:
EC: Mikel Potts, KB7POT, kb7pot at arrl.net
District M (Medical Services Team)
ASEC Marina Zuetell, N7LSL, N7LSL at arrl.net
MST RO: Carlos M. Smith, AA7SB, aa7sb at msn.com
District 3:
Keith Solveson, N5MUR, solveson at yahoo.com
District 5:
Don Marlatte, KD7TDG, kc7tdg at gmail.com
District 6:
Charles Barnes, KG7GKO, cbarnessj at gmail.com