EOC to EOC Exercises
The RACES team at the Washington State EOC hosts a series of EOC-to-EOC communications exercises. Exercises take place on a quarterly basis on the fifth Saturday of the month and a Simulated Emergency Test (SET) in the fall of each year. Dates are listed below with links to the scenarios when available.
All EOCs located within or adjacent to Washington State are invited to participate, including regional, county, city, medical, and disaster relief agencies. All stations are encouraged to check in as a courtesy to WSEN's regular Saturday morning net on 3985.0 LSB which starts at 0900 and typically ends around 0930. Their net is not directly associated with our quarterly exercises.
Since the majority of radio assets at Camp Murray will be changing frequencies somewhat unpredictably to accomplish the desired checks, HF radio will be the primary means of coordination. EOCs that lack HF capabilities can contact the Camp Murray exercise team telephonically (253 512-7099) or via a 6 Meter repeater to coordinate the checks.
Communications modes will include HF voice & data, 6 meter voice, 2 meter voice & data and 220 & 440 MHz voice.
The Gmail addresses used on previous exercises are being retired. Washington State EMD is now welcoming real and exercise traffic at the addresses below.
W7EMD@winlink.org (General messaging to the Washington State EOC @ Camp Murray).
ISNAP@mil.wa.gov (For ISNAP Forms)
RFA@mil.wa.gov (For logistics messages)
There may be more addresses in the future.
For more information, join the EOC Communications-Washington State Yahoo Group or contact the Camp Murray RACES station manager, Ed Leavitt at: ed.leavitt at juno.com.